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Foundations of Mental Health Promotion. Manoj Sharma, Paul Branscum

Foundations of Mental Health Promotion

ISBN: 9781284199758 | 334 pages | 9 Mb
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  • Foundations of Mental Health Promotion
  • Manoj Sharma, Paul Branscum
  • Page: 334
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9781284199758
  • Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
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Written for undergraduate and graduate courses in public and community health, the second edition of Foundations of Mental Health Promotion provides a current look at mental health and mental illness with a focus on medical, epidemiological, behavioral, sociological, political, historical, developmental, and cultural perspectives in the field. Readers are introduced to the field of mental health promotion, and both individual-level and population-level approaches to handling mental health concerns are emphasized. New & Key Features: • UPDATED to reflect current CHES/MCHES competencies form NCHEC or DSM-5 and the latest version of ICD-11 • UPDATED models for mental health and health promotion are included throughout • FOCUS FEATURES highlight interesting discoveries, important aspects, anecdotes or future directions being pursued on a particular topic discussed in the chapter • ADDRESSES mental health promotion for children and adolescents, mental health promotion for adults, and mental health promotion for older adults • SKILL-BUILDING ACTIVITIES have been revised to reflect current events in mental health promotion and CASE STUDY ACTIVITIES have been added

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